Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Step by Step

It's Ramadan, such a blessed and inspiring month alhamdulilah. So many great resources out there this month mashallah. I feel like I am learning a little more each day. Attached is a beautiful video a friend of mine sent me: Taraweeh Truffles: PRAY On.

It is such a touching video since I myself am battling the hijab issue. Alhamdulilah I am completely convinced of course, I just don't know if I am ready yet. I know some people think that I should just do it and inshallah the rest will come from Allah SWT, but in all honesty I don't want to make such a big and beautiful commitment without being 100% certain of it. I feel like my knowledge of Islam is still very basic (the only knowledge I have is that which I have been brought up with from my parents but I never went in depth out of my own negligence, may Allah forgive me inshallah).

Anyways so I feel like I haven't put on the hijab yet for 2 reasons:

1. I want to be a good representation of a Muslim, and without a good understanding of our fundamentals I don't think I would be.

2. I'm just not ready yet. But I know in my gut that I will be ready soon inshallah (I just don't know how soon that is)

May Allah give us all an extra push in the right direction insha'Allah.


a Muslimah


  1. i think ur personality and character makes u an awesome representative of Islam and now that you have taken alot of steps towards Islam u will represent Islam in an even more positive light.You will shatter alot of the stereotypes people have of Muslim females and I love u for that..continue to be u cause u the best baby.

  2. Atif.....stop making my heart melt!
