Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Don't be 'too' Muslim


I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, but I get seriously confused when Muslims tell me not to be 'too' Muslim, as if being 'too' Muslim is a bad thing. I'd like to stress that I never get these comments from any people of other faiths (which are most of my friends).

Let me clarify something, to me, the more Muslim you are, the more you are:
  • humble
  • respectful 
  • approachable
  • kind-hearted
  • understanding
  • happy
  • open-minded
  • non-judgemental
  • loving
  • modest
  • trustworthy
  • compassionate
  • equitable
  • just
And the list goes on and on. So, being 'too' Muslim is in fact an aspiration and everlasting goal of mine. Many people believe that becoming more religious necessitates seriousness, strictness, and inflexibility, but I don't think any of those things have to do with religion (forigive me if I am offending anyone). Our best example of a Muslim is our Prophet (SAW), and he encompassed only the best of attributes. He (SAW) is who I aspire to be more like.

In that respect, the next time someone tells me I'm becoming too Muslim, I'll take it as a compliment. Thank you.


A Muslimah


  1. Yes indeed, I get those comments from other Muslims all the time (even my parents). One can take actions to the extreme but not faith. Faith is just faith, only a small amount is required for a person to believe. So it doesn't make sense to say you believe too much - you either believe or you don't, yet how you exercise that belief is something else, and most people do not practice Islam nearly enough to be called 'extreme.' If anything some are extremely lacking in practice. No one today comes very close to the prophet’s (peace be upon him) example, who was virtually on the 'middle way.' So it makes more sense to say we are not Muslim enough :)

  2. Subhanallah .... I couldn't have said it any better. I have been told countless times to stop acting 'too Muslim'... and I never understood what was wrong with being 'too Muslim'. May Allah swt help our ummah ... and guide us all on the right path. may He (swt) also help us all want to become 'too Muslim' because like you said being 'too' Muslim is in fact an aspiration.

    Jazahkallah khayr for sharing this post ...


